the price spread between the North and South China markets has widened to a few hundred yuan
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the price spread between the North and South China markets has widened to a few hundred yuan

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-06-28      Origin: Site


Therefore, the price spread between the North and South China markets has widened to a few hundred yuan. In North China and Northeast China, local spot price once climbed to 8800-8900yuan/ton, and some large orders slightly lower at 8600-8700yuan/ton. Traders offer for May-Jun goods held firm at 8550-8600yuan/mt by cash EXW. In South China, trader offer was around 8550yuan/mt, but seldom buyers purchased. In Southwest China, there is only one producer—Wankai, and local PTA plants were largely shut down, supply was limited, hence PET bottle chip operating rate was also low. Local PET spot price once climbed up to 9150yuan/ton short distance delivered

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