the loss of spinners that undersold yarn in the second week
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the loss of spinners that undersold yarn in the second week

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-01-31      Origin: Site


In the third week of Dec, Sateri announced that it would limit its production by 30%, and released the price of 13,100-13,200yuan/mt on Wednesday, which was basically the same as it was at the end of Oct. Based on the calculation of that price, the loss of spinners that undersold yarn in the second week had been more than 1,000yuan/mt, and 10kt of VSF changed hands during the week would cause the loss of 1 million yuan. However, the price was less likely to plummet in the short term when large-scale VSF plants limited the production, and buyers were expected to maintain regular procurement on a monthly basis. But on Friday, the trading volume significantly exceeded expectations as large-sized VSF plants received orders with the volume of nearly 2-month production, and some spinners even purchased raw materials for 1-quarter consumption, which was confused or even surprised some sellers.

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