some spinners began to undersell a large amount of rayon yarn
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some spinners began to undersell a large amount of rayon yarn

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-01-31      Origin: Site


Downstream plants are also aware of this, and some spinners began to undersell a large amount of rayon yarn since the first half of the second week, especially vortex-spun yarn mills. The lower price of vortex-spun R30S had fallen to 14,000-14,200yuan/mt. Even based on the minimal theoretical manufacturing cost of 2,500-2,700yuan/mt, those spinners had to avoid suffering losses by replenishing stocks around 11,500yuan/mt. Therefore, traders on the market became relatively active buyers and the sales volume of some large-scale spinners reached 10kt. However, there was rumor about large-scale maintenance by big VSF plants midweek and the price might not be slashed before the Spring Festival, then the spinners started to become reluctant sellers at low prices.

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