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29-11 2022
Seed cotton is arriving slowly this year and there is less procurement by ginners

Seed cotton is arriving slowly this year and there is less procurement by ginners since cotton grower become reluctant sellers and there is impact of the COVID-19. Cottonseed price has fallen after the National Day holiday, but still hovering at high level in general. Cottonseed delivered to Shandon

30-11 2021
Seed cotton is harvested slowly this year

Seed cotton is harvested slowly this year and cottonseed supply has been short, so the price is 1,000yuan/mt higher than the same period of past years. Now cottonseed in Xinjiang is mainly at 3,250-3,400yuan/mt and 3,700yuan/mt outside Xinjiang. Due to high freight cost of 800-900yuan/mt from Xinjia

30-11 2021
seed cotton procurement in some regions of Xinjiang

Machine-picked seed cotton in South Xinjiang started to arrive on the market during the National Day holiday (Oct 1-7), and prices have been constantly rising from end Sep to Oct 8. The mainstream prices of hand-picked seed cotton once reached to 11.4-11.6yuan/kg and that of machine-picked seed cott

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