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31-03 2020
HC re-PSF price kept high due to short supply of feedstock side

Before Spring Festival, the cash flow of HC virgin PSF was at 500-600yuan/mt, while after the holiday, it widened to over 1000yuan/mt due to the slump of polyester feedstock.On the contrary, HC re-PSF price kept high due to short supply of feedstock side, and the price spread with virgin one narrowe

22-11 2019
the trend of virgin PSF squeezing re-PSF is only reflected in price spread and operating rate

In sharp contrast to the decline in the operating rate of re-PSF, it was the improvement of virgin PSF operating rate. It averaged at 84.4% in Jan-Oct 2019 against 82.5% in last Jan-Oct.Currently, the trend of virgin PSF squeezing re-PSF is only reflected in price spread and operating rate, but the

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