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31-01 2023
Market players have shown apparently recovering mindset

Market players have shown apparently recovering mindset with eased pandemic prevention and control policy, having “strong” expectation from holding weak mindset. Fabric mills will gradually start Spring Festival holiday from late-Dec to early-Jan. Rigid demand for spandex will be muted. As the COVID

28-06 2022
Some market players believe that it is due to the increase in the demand for offshore arbitrage

Some market players believe that it is due to the increase in the demand for offshore arbitrage. As can be seen from the chart below, the price spread between FOB South Korea PX and the FOB USG has continued to widen since he beginning of 2022, which has expanded to $100/mt in late-March. Since last

29-09 2021
market players shall be cautious about the high prices and keep an eye on the risks

There were sayings about prices of 10yuan/kg. In terms of the early-arrived seed cotton prices, the prices for both upcountry cotton and Xinjiang cotton are 50% higher than the same period of last year. No matter for the increment of planting costs, production reduction range, consumption growth of

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