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05-01 2023
close virgin PSF, some producers adjusted lower the offers

For close virgin PSF, some producers adjusted lower the offers by 100-200yuan/mt with lower virgin PSF market, and some producers maintained. The sales were under negotiation overall. Producers reflected that sales slowed down, and inventory accumulated. In Hebei, some plants cut production or suspe

23-08 2019
Close virgin PSF market shares squeezed by virgin PSF

Virgin PSF has been constantly weak since late July, to around 7,000yuan/mt at present, which is close to the quality close virgin PSF or even be lower than the latter one.Downstream spinning mills witness high product inventory. Close virgin PSF plants have suspended operation or cut production gra

24-06 2019
Consumption of virgin PSF and close virgin PSF currently overlapped in Jiangsu

Consumption of virgin PSF and close virgin PSF currently overlapped in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hebei where the competition between these two exists. However, the most important factor promoting the substitution is price spread. According to virgin PSF plants, many close virgin PSF plants with high qua

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