Xinxiang Chemical Fiber released its Q3 report that in the first three quarters of 2022, the company achieved operating income of 5.721 billion yuan, down 11.77% from the same period last year, with a net loss of 293 million yuan for shareholders of listed companies, and 314 million yuan for shareho
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber issued a performance forecast on the evening of July 13, with an estimated net profit of 8-10.5 million yuan in the first half of 2022, down 98.6% from the same period of last year. Compared with the corresponding period of last year, spandex, major product of Xinxiang Chemic
Xinxiang chemical fiber released the quarterly report for Q1-Q3, 2019, realizing the operating revenue of 3.58 billion yuan in the first three quarters of 2019, with a year-on-year growth of 6.32%. Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 100 million yuan, up 14.91% year on ye