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28-06 2022
the PTA capacity is near 3.3 million tons/year

As for the demand in US, the PTA capacity is near 3.3 million tons/year and the PX capacity is near 3.7 million tons/year, with supply exceeding demand. In longer time span, US is a net PX exporter but the export volume is gradually declining. In Feb 2022, PX imports were higher than exports, incarn

14-01 2020
PTA in 2019:capacity growth speeds up

In 2019, PTA capacity growth speeded up. With Sichuan Nengtou's 1 million tons/year and Xinfengming's 2.2 million tons/year PTA units into operation, the total PTA production capacity reached 48.98 million tons/year, a growth rate of 7%. In 2019, the PTA market performed well, but under the pressure

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