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11-12 2024
MEG prices surged rapidly, driven by rising crude oil prices

After the holiday, MEG prices surged rapidly, driven by rising crude oil prices. Although prices have recently retreated slightly, they remain at a high level for the year. In contrast, the coal market experienced a downturn, as colder weather during the National Day holiday led to a drop in electri

30-11 2021
MEG prices were volatile previously

MEG prices were volatile previously, tracking the trend in coal prices. Looking ahead, focus is likely to gradually return to fundamentals. Supply-demand structure in Nov-Dec would be broadly balanced, with limited inventory buildup. Meanwhile, with easing restrictions in power usage, polyester poly

29-10 2021
MEG prices are likely to track the move in costs

MEGSupply and demand: slow startups of new units; broadly balanced in Oct; clear inventory buildups in Nov-DecSupply: China domestic supply recovers slightly. Operating rate of all MEG units is around 60% and of coal-based units around 41%Demand: polyester product inventories decrease slightly; end-

29-08 2019
Danhua Technology posts 111 billion yuan in H1 2019 amid slump in MEG prices

Danhua Science and Technology disclosed semi-annual report that the company achieved 517 million yuan in business revenue in the first half of 2019, down 15.26 percent from the same period last year. The company had a loss of 37.651 million yuan from the same period of last year. Due to the sharp de

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