All these sectors have gained significantly in dynamics in the last few years. Many new endeavours are on their way with the target of identifying and developing new technologies and business opportunities for a sustainable bio-based and circular economy. The aim of the event is to gather technology providers and developers, academia and industry, pulp, fibre and equipment suppliers, retailers and textile brands, policy makers and investors to debate recent market dynamics.
In this environment, the following questions are particularly exciting and will be in the focus of the conference:
What are recent technology and market trends?
What are the future market dynamics?
Who is active and interested in this sector?
What are the main challenges to develop the value chains and the market demand?
Which ecosystems and partnerships are required to drive innovation according to market needs?
How will the political environment continue to develop?
What will happen with plastic bans, microplastic avoidance, bio-based vs. fossil feedstocks, and sustainability?
“With regard to the importance of cellulose fibres, it is more than surprising that there is no established conference with this focus yet in Europe,” said Michael Carus, CEO of nova-Institute and initiator of the conference.
“We are now closing this gap: For the first time, we will invite and gather all developers, producers and players in the value chain of modern cellulose fibres. We expect great international interest in this new conference. We are confident that this conference will be one of the best networking opportunities for this sector.”