Viscose industry
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Viscose industry

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-29      Origin: Site


Returning to viscose industry, it can be seen objectively that as a manufacturing link close to the resource side, the confidence in VSF market is positive in the first five months of 2022, which is the main reason of falling VSF inventory but rising VSF price. But looking at the whole industry chain, the positive sentiment cannot be conducted and there is even recession of confidence to negative territory at the apparel side. Generally speaking, rent is a more intuitive manifestation of the prosperity of textile and apparel wholesale. Since the beginning of this year, there has been falling rent in fabric and apparel markets in many areas of China. Among them, the rent in Yiwu even shows signs of halving.

From the price performance of each link in the industrial chain, we can also see the prosperity. It can be seen that the price increase of VSF and dissolving pulp is significantly higher than that of downstream products. Although the increase of VSF is slightly higher than that of dissolving pulp, the former also bears the surging cost of energy and chemicals.

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