Meanwhile, uncertainties remain in coal-based MEG supply
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Meanwhile, uncertainties remain in coal-based MEG supply

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-30      Origin: Site


In terms of new units, Guangxi Huayi has achieved industrial grade MEG products but is still adjusting the unit to get polyester-grade products. Xinjiang Guanghui is testing and is expected to get MEG in November. Startups of Anhui Haoyuan and Shanxi Meijin has been delayed and the output would be limited within 2021.

There are few maintenance plans in the fourth quarter (HNEC Puyang and Yongcheng). However, it is still uncertain whether Yanchang and Jianyuan could restart as planned and when will Hualu (steam supply issue) and Hongsifang (power restriction) resume operations. Meanwhile, coal supply would keep tight with winter heating demand increasing.

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