Views: 0 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-01-26 Origin: Site
The high quality reserved cotton volumes were not large during the state reserves sales, and the proportion of reserved cotton with length above 29mm and strength above 29gpt was only 3% or 37kt, and that of reserved cotton with length above 28mm and strength above 28gpt was less than 25% or 282.1kt. Moreover, reserved upcountry cotton accounted for the most, higher than that of reserved Xinjiang and imported cotton. Proportion of reserved cotton with length above 27mm and strength above 27gpt reached about 50%, and the quality was mixed. Reserved imported cotton quality was the best, and the imported cotton with 28mm and 28got above saw prices close to the spot imported cotton price and the 2021/22 cotton on spot market, and other reserved imported cotton had price edge compared with reserved Xinjiang and upcountry cotton.