Jiangyin locates a lot of large direct-spun PSF plants like Huahong
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Jiangyin locates a lot of large direct-spun PSF plants like Huahong

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-06-23      Origin: Site


As a major producing area of PSF, Jiangyin locates a lot of large direct-spun PSF plants like Huahong, Sanfagnxiang and Rongli Chemical Fiber. Of them, Huahong has shut down its 560kt/yr unit, Sanfangxiang whose running capacity is 320kt/yr now faces hard transportation and Rongli has postponed to restart its 150kt/yr unit. These plants take up about 15% of total direct-spun PSF capacity in China. In addition, Huaxicun with 410kt/yr, Xiangyang with 100kt/yr and Elite Color with 250kt/yr, which accounted for about 9% of total direct-spun PSF capacity are facing risks of lockdown

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