2022/23 cotton production remains optimistic in South Hemisphere
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2022/23 cotton production remains optimistic in South Hemisphere

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-01-05      Origin: Site


Though 2021/22 Brazilian cotton production increase is lower than anticipation, down from 2.78 million tons to 2.55 million tons, benefited from the sales at high level, cotton growers gain good profits and planting costs reduce obviously in recent months, so they are still active to plant cotton crops. Therefore, 2022/23 Brazilian cotton production is still expected to increase. In CONAB’s Nov report, 2022/23 Brazilian cotton production is forecast higher to 2.98 million tons, up 16.8% year on year, and ABRAPA forecasts up to 3.17 million tons, up 24.8% year on year.

Recently, heavy rain appears in cotton growing areas of Australia. Some low-lying regions in Queensland and Wales suffer floods, affecting the planting works of cotton crops. But the Cotton Australia stated that though the record cotton production might not appear again in the next season due to excessive rainfall, the total cotton production higher than average level was still confident.

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